3 Herbs to Increase Hair Growth (and End Your Hair Misery) - hair buddha
hair buddha

3 Herbs to Increase Hair Growth (and End Your Hair Misery)

Have you seen English lavender bloom in summer?

It gives a glorious display of purple flowers that lasts 1-2 months. After that, the bloom starts to fade, until next year, when it will flower again.

Imagine if our hair followed a similar pattern of lavender, one glorious display, then all spent. Thankfully it doesn’t happen that way.

Our hair follows a growth cycle in which the growing phase is pretty long.

Not a few months, but growing or anagen phase can last anywhere from 3 to 7 years. Fortunately, most of the hair is in the growing phase. Only 10 per cent are in the telogen phase and ready to fall out.

If this balance is interrupted – when more hair falls out and less hair grows in – there’s a problem.

The shift in the hair growth cycle can occur due to many factors, including stress, illness such as covid, vitamin deficiencies, weight loss too quickly, and even the wrong shampoo.

The good news is, once you resolve the cause, eat healthy and not worry too much about trivial things, your hair will return to its normal growth pattern.

However, the process can take months, and you may want to take the help of herbs and botanicals to boost hair growth and reduce shedding.

So what herbs can promote growth? Here are 3 Hair Healing Herbs you can use

1. Green tea

2. Neem

3. Peppermint

1. Green Tea to boost Hair Growth

Green tea leaves to promote hair growth

Although I do not prefer the taste of green tea, I like rinsing my hair with it. I have seen decrease in hair loss and thicker and stronger hair.

So why is green tea good for hair?

Green tea contains two amazing compounds: catechins and caffeine. These star compounds prolong the growth (anagen) phase as well as stimulate the growth of dermal papilla cells in the hair follicles.

What that means, green tea can help reduce shedding and increase the length and strength of the hair shaft.

Besides, green tea has remarkable antioxidant powers. It can help get rid of free radicals that can damage the hair follicles and affect the hair growth cycle.

So how do you use green tea for hair growth?

What you will need

Green Tea: 1 bag or (1 tsp loose tea)

Hot water: 2 cups

Green  tea for hair growth


Place green tea in a pot or jug. Pour hot water over green tea, then cover and let it steep until it cools. Strain the tea and use.

How to Use

Use green tea as a final rinse. First, wash your hair with shampoo. Next, pour green tea water on your hair and let it sit for 3 to 5 minutes before rinsing it.

Find out more ways of using green tea for healthy hair: see here

Next up is the healer herb neem…

2. Neem Leaves for Happy Scalp and Hair

neem leaves for hair growth
Neem tree

Neem is an extraordinary healer. It has anti-fungal, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

For this reason, it is effective against a broad spectrum of skin and scalp conditions, such as dandruff, eczema and psoriasis. Especially when you are stressed or ill, the skin conditions aggravate and trouble your scalp and hair follicles.

The simple and natural way to heal your scalp is by using neem. And as your scalp gets healthier, your hair will grow healthier too. That’s a no-brainer.

So how do you use neem to heal?

What you will need?

Neem Leaves: 1/4 cup dried leaves or fresh leaves

Hot Water: 2 cups


Place neem leaves in a pot or jug. Pour hot water over it, then cover and let it steep until it cools. Strain the neem water and use.

How to Use

Use neem water as a final rinse. First, wash your hair with shampoo. Next, pour neem water on your hair and let it sit for 3 to 5 minutes before rinsing it.

Your hair will have more shine, luster and softness as neem water is also a great conditioner.

You can also include neem oil to promote healthy scalp and hair: see here

And lastly we have peppermint to boost hair…

3. Peppermint for Hair Thickness and Density

peppermint plant for hair growth

When you think of peppermint, you think of minty scent and tingling sensation on skin.

But what we are after is peppermint’s hair growing potential.

A study done on mice showed that peppermint oil improved blood flow to the hair follicles and helped shift the hair follicles that were in telogen stage (and ready to fall out) to anagen stage. As a result, the hair grew thicker and longer. Plus, the number of hair follicles also increased in peppermint oil treated group.

Of course, the drawback is the study was conducted on mice. But, in peppermint’s favour, there are several anecdotal reports that suggest peppermint oil helps promote hair growth. Besides, it is also soothing and calming for irritated scalp.

How do you use peppermint for improving hair density?

What you will need?

Peppermint essential oil: 5 drops

Coconut oil: 2 tablespoons


Combine the two and apply.

How to use

Massage the oil on your scalp and work on the length of your hair. Let it sit for an hour (or overnight if you can). Wash as usual. Repeat once or twice a week.

Note: You can also apply peppermint tea rinse. To make it, you will need one peppermint tea bag and 2 cups of hot water. Follow the rest of the instructions given in green tea or neem leaves.

Mistakes to avoid

If you are new to any of the herbs, then do a patch test on your forearm to rule out any allergies or sensitivities before using on the scalp.

Let us summarise what we have seen so far:

  • Increase in hair shedding can happen due to stress, illness such as covid, vitamin deficiencies, weight loss too quickly, and even the wrong shampoo.
  • You can take help of herbs to promote healthy hair growth.
  • Green tea is fantastic to reduce hair fall and grow strong hair.
  • Then there are neem leaves to heal and remedy scalp problems such as dandruff and eczema.
  • And finally, you can use peppermint along with coconut for head massage and improve hair growth.

What’s your favourite herb? Let me know in the comment box below…

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