hair buddha

Category Archives for Hair Loss

7 Enemies of Hair that Stop Hair Growth

enemies of hair that stop hair growth

ย  Is your hair is falling like crazy? Or not growing back? What not to do is as important as what to do. When I was trying to regrow my lost hair, I was focusing on what oils/masks to put on my hair or what to eat to make it strong and healthy. But over [โ€ฆ]

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11 Miracle Herbs for Strong, Healthy Hair

herbs for strong and healthy hair

Herbs are a great way to boost hair growth, restore moisture and enhance its texture and shine. Unlike synthetic chemicals, that may cause more harm than good, herbs contain plant nutrients which are both gentle and nourishing for the hair. For thousands of year, people from all regions have been using herbs to grow strong [โ€ฆ]

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Amla: The Superfood For Hair

Amla the superfood for hair

Amla, also called as Amrit (nectar), is one of the most nourishing herbs for hair. Some time back, I heard about the glorifying hair benefits of amla. This narrative was told by my cousinโ€™s hairdresser to him and he later shared it with me, thinking it would help my readers. A man used to come [โ€ฆ]

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Ayurvedic Hair Mask: For Thicker, Fuller and Healthier Hair Growth

Herbal Hair Mask

Ayurveda means knowledge of life and longevity. And how does it achieve that? By emphasising on leading a balanced life. So not overdoing anything, be it food, exercise or sleep. Everything has to be in moderate amounts. And when that balance tips either side, you get an illness. Interestingly, ayurveda has a say in hair [โ€ฆ]

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Magic Hair Growth Oil by Brototi: Success Story

Hair Growth Oil

ย  I am writing this blog so it can help you get gorgeous hair you always wanted. And it gives me immense joy when someone writes to me with their success storiesโ€ฆ hereโ€™s one such One of hair buddhaโ€™s engaging reader, Brototi, has shared her magic oil recipe with usโ€” thatโ€™s what she likes to [โ€ฆ]

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8 Ways to Awesome Hair & Health This Year


ย  The New Year is a good time to make positive changes. Let go of what is not working. And do things that will upgrade your life to the next level. Iโ€™m going to offer some ideas to make your hair and health better this New Year. You donโ€™t have to do all of these, [โ€ฆ]

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Why You Must Love Your Hair (to Make it Regrow)

love your hair to make it grow

ย  A few days back I received a very thoughtful comment on hair loss: โ€˜Dear all, unless we stop taking tension, and stop worrying about small things in life the natural remedies wonโ€™t work. I mean a person must be happy, stress-free, eat lots vegetables and reduce junk food. So first take care internally and [โ€ฆ]

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3 Homemade Serum for Hair Growth (Stimulate Your Hair With Herbs)

amla serum for hair growth

What happens when you donโ€™t exercise? Big, comfy chairs might feel great to sit in all day long, but without any exercise your muscles donโ€™t feel that good. They lose their tone and strength. The result is unflattering โ€œflabby arms and jiggly tummyโ€™โ€™. And who likes that? The same happens with your hair. When you [โ€ฆ]

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