Hair Food Archives - hair buddha
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Tag Archives for " Hair Food "

7 Best Vitamins for Healthy and Fabulous Hair

Best Vitamins for your Hair

  Not just mere accessory, your hair is a reflection of your health. So if your hair is in bad shape, ask yourself “am I eating the right foods”. Nutrition plays a vital role in how your hair looks and feels. Although the hair that comes out of the scalp is practically dead, the hair […]

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Why Soak Beans and Lentils Before Cooking?

Beans and lentils are nutritional powerhouses. They are delicious to eat, but they have a bad reputation of being gaseous and hard-to-digest. The root cause lies in their outer covering, which contain anti-nutrients (compounds that can interfere with digestion and absorption of nutrients) such as lectins and phytic acids. These anti-nutrients are actually natural phytonutrients […]

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